Talking About Turkey (or Tofurky) and Scary Mommy

SM-logo-525x238As of this writing, there are 60 families wait-listed in the Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project. Can you donate towards a full-on celebratory Thanksgiving meal on the table for families who have asked for help? Donate here for a Scary Mommy Thanksgiving.

Need a virtual hug in the form of help getting a wonderful Thanksgiving meal on the table? Apply here by November 15th!

Two years ago I participated in the first Scary Mommy “A Thanksgiving for Everyone.” I think this was the post that prompted an incredible response. At the time I remember it being rushed and an insane amount of organization for Jill Smokler — she was organizing people to send gift cards to specific families — and then I had a sick kid and I was afraid the gift card wouldn’t get there in time so I added to the donation amount and I wrote a long, rambling letter to go with the gift card that (after mailing it) I thought might be offensive to the recipient.

Being me, I invaded her privacy further and looked up her email address from the contact info and wrote a long, rambling apology in my frenzied state. Obviously, someone who had built up the nerve to ASK for assistance in putting together a Thanksgiving meal for her family didn’t want to hear about my apologies and excuses. It probably made her feel even worse! Cue the guilt…but it’s not about me, is it?

It’s about the people here. It’s about helping someone have a really nice day on which she can enjoy a holiday instead of feeling even worse. It’s about spreading the wealth of the have-right-nows to the have-not-right-nows. Because guess what? You never know what’s around the corner.

Scary Mommy Nation

Anyway, with two more years of charitable organizing under her belt, Jill Smokler has it all under control. Or at least she’s making it look super-smooth. Scary Mommy Nation, and thus The Thanksgiving Project, is now a 501©3 charity, which means that 100% of your donation is tax deductible…just in time for end-of-year giving!

A $50 donation helps get Thanksgiving dinner on the table for one family. If that’s a little high for you, other donations will be combined to make up the difference. Can you give more? Go right ahead! It’s both tax-deductible and wickedly high in good karma.

Hate spending money on-line? You can also send checks to: Scary Mommy Nation • PO Box 20866 • Baltimore, MD • 21209

Sharing this on the yeah write moonshine grid – – because what goes better with a little tofurky?

About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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16 Responses to Talking About Turkey (or Tofurky) and Scary Mommy

  1. Liz says:

    First off, the Scary Mommy Army is located in Baltimore, MD? How did I not know this? Second, what a great program! Promoting…

  2. dream2write says:

    What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Karen says:

    Thank you for this! I hadn’t heard of The Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project until last week. I went to the website, and read through all of the comments – so moving. My partner and I are going to donate this year, and I’ll spread the word through FB. xo

  4. Calamity Rae says:

    What a great cause – (and awesome name!). Thanks for sharing this information – because, as you pointed out – no one knows when something extremely unfortunate could happen in their lives and they find themselves in the “have not” category. I think it’s so important for our society to embrace our “so called” humanity, and definitely put our words into actions. =)

  5. Calamity Rae says:

    Oh, one more thing – your blog title made me chuckle.

  6. larksnotesthis says:

    This is such a cool project! Thanks for promoting it!

  7. Daniel Nest says:

    You’re doing a lot to raise awareness of important issues and promote charities lately. Keep being awesome!

  8. What a wonderful idea! I hadn’t heard of it, but this makes me happy. 🙂

  9. Pingback: The cupboard was bare | that cynking feeling

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