Pass the Lipstick, I Need Some For My Teeth.

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UPDATE: Congratulations to Stephanie and Cynthia! We were able to give away TWO sets of these books thanks to the generosity of Anna Sandler of Instructions for my Husband! Desperate for a great read? Check out the links at the bottom to buy your copies!

I’ve been working my way through the piles of books on my night table, and I just finished two collections filled with joy and tribulations and discomfort and hilarious antics. After admitting that I Just Want to Pee Alone, and reading all about furry underwear from Jessica at Four Plus an Angel and Pinteresty Valentines from Anna at Random Handprints, I was more than eager to dig into a collection of funny and relatable essays about how lopsided and quirky and vibration-ready life can be. Enter “You Have Lipstick On Your Teeth.”

My friend and Sandler & Wald business partner, Anna Sandler, has an essay in each of these collections. And her wit and candor embody some of what makes this latest collection so real. All the bloggers in “You Have Lipstick on You Teeth,” edited by Leslie Marinelli aka The Bearded Iris and editor-in-chief of the hilarious on-line community In The Powder Room, write as though they’re confided a tale they’ve been wanted to share since they first met you. It makes the stories come alive, and you’ll want to re-read each one to make sure you heard right the first time.

Addressing adoption, peri-menopause, masturbation, turning 40, crafts, and much, much more — there’s plenty for us all to MmmHmm over, relate to, and even learn from.

I have a copy of EACH of these collections to giveaway to one lucky reader! Combine all the goings-on in the bathroom by getting the peeing and lipstick clean-up done all at once. Just leave a comment below telling us all where you do your preferred reading. Is it in bed, in the bathroom, on the train, or perhaps sitting on a park bench surrounded by birdsong and sunshine.

Can’t wait to read the books? Buy your own copy using the links below and support these bloggers!



About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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45 Responses to Pass the Lipstick, I Need Some For My Teeth.

  1. Pingback: Giveaway: Peeing Alone and Cleaning Up the Lipstick on Your Teeth | Sandler & Wald Social Media

  2. Stephanie says:

    Kristin – I’ve been wanting to read I Just Want to Pee Alone forever. Great giveaway! -S

  3. sisterhoodofthesensiblemoms says:

    Thanks for running this contest! I loved Anna’s pieces in both! Ellen

  4. i read everywhere! carry my books wherever i go and whenever there’s a free minute, i take it out and escape to someplace else.

  5. I do most of my “reading” in the car by listening to audio books. There was at least a year where I didn’t bother having books in the house because I either had no chance to read at home or my son would destroy them.
    I have been able to read in bed for a few minutes most nights. I’d read there longer, but my husband goes to sleep before me. I have a favorite recliner in the living room where I like to read, but, apparently, so does the dog.

  6. Laura says:

    I read in bed or in a comfy chair, but I tweet in the bathroom. 🙂 My book will be called, I Just Want to Tweet Alone.

    • I always have visions of curling up in a big chair with a blanket and snow falling lightly outside while a fire crackles happily inside. But then I just end up half-asleep in bed, barely comprehending what I’m reading.

      Also — Bathroom tweeting! Ha!

  7. Jennifer says:

    I carry a book wherever I go; bathroom, out to the bus top waiting for my kids, at work, in bed..

  8. Marian Parsons says:

    Thanks for doing the give-away. I read in bed ’cause it’s warm there. And comfortable. But I always have a book in the car, and a book in the purse/bag–just in case.

  9. Thank you so much for this review and give away! We are always appreciative of kind words….and free stuff!

  10. Mommy without a Minivan says:

    I love to read in bed. But after chasing a 2 and 5 year old around all day my eyes don’t usually cooperate. So I get more reading done in the bathroom. It’s harder to fall asleep.

  11. Tonya Favors says:

    Would love to have one

  12. Amanda Ballard says:

    I read wherever I can lol. But prefer the bathtub as it’s the only place I’m usually alone.

  13. janieemaus says:

    Thanks for running this contest and saying such nice things about You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  14. Denise Meiste says:

    My favorite place to read is my recliner with a close second is in bed. I will read anywhere tho. During breaks at work, in the car during long trips, and in the bathroom (esp if all the kids r around and I need some me time).

  15. Most of the time I try to read in bed @ night, but there are times that the only chane I get to read is in the bathroom. I try to lock the door, but when I do I’ve usually got lil fingers flopping under the bathroom door. I’d love to have a copy of tbis book to try to read without fingers pleading for my return under the bathroom door. Good luck. 🙂

  16. Judy Barbee says:

    I do most of my reading in the den, on the couch. When weather permits(not this time of year) I Love to read outdoors on my swing.

  17. Terrie core says:

    Love to read curled up on the couch! Cozy and comfy.

  18. Brittany says:

    I do my preferred reading at work during my lunch or of course lock myself in the bathroom! I’m a first time mommy and my little one is 10 months so I would definitely love to win a copy of your book!

  19. Lorelei Kerns says:

    I usually read while seating on my rocking chair, but lately have done most of it in my car in between shifts at work.

  20. Thanks Kristin! So sweet of you to do this. Jessica’s furry underwear piece was one of my favorites too, and I obviously love love love Anna’s work. Working with her all the time must be wonderful!

  21. Dyann Schieltz says:

    I read while relaxing in the tub!

  22. Holly says:

    I read while doing 101 other things (peeing, falling asleep, eating…) so I always have to go back a few pages next time cuz I don’t remember what I read!

  23. Pingback: Ten Things of Thankful #36 | that cynking feeling

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