Review: Your Life Matters by Chris Singleton

Chris Singleton’s beautiful picture book YOUR LIFE MATTERS is a masterful expression of reassurance and love. It begins with a frightening and direct set of circumstances that might make young children, especially young Black children, feel like the world does not appreciate them. The rest of the book answers “Does my life matter?” with a resounding YES! followed by example after example of how deeply the reader’s life matters “from the tips of your hair to the lengths of your toes.”

Each page matches a reason the reader’s eyes, hands, heart, strength matters with an illustration of a Black icon demonstrating the example together with children. The icons, which include Katherine Johnson, Jackie Robinson, Maya Angelou, Barack Obama, Tegla Loroupe, are not named in the images, allowing children to imagine the adults in their lives — or themselves — as the mentors. The words hold up all that is possible and deserved, whether it’s in front of thousands or comforting one person’s broken heart.

Taylor Barron’s colorful illustrations have one foot in folk art and another in modern storytelling. The powerful hues are balanced with the strong and whimsical lines to tell a full story on each page. Despite the simplicity, the faces are expressive and filled with the weight of history and hope. The images work together with the words to help ideas like “empowerment” and “affirmation” take hold and become truth.

This powerful picture book, YOUR LIFE MATTERS, is highly recommended for every home, school, and library.

About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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