Raising Voices: Mid-October Gun Sense


Nine American women are shot and killed by intimate partners each week. EACH WEEK.

Last week I posted about the difficulties we all have in giving “equal time” to causes we are passionate about. Several people said how useful having specific posts and links to pay attention to was. So, I’m going to try and keep doing this once a week, probably on Fridays to post to the yeah write moonshine grids. This idea is nothing new, see below for two great links for curated content regarding gun violence.

As always, if you want an easy way to raise your voice to your elected legislators, you can use this link to CALL your senator or congressperson. Or, if that freaks you out a bit, you can use these links to EMAIL your represenative or EMAIL your senator.

Here is today’s reading list for gun violence prevention an awareness:

First, Joe Nocera has consistently given his column’s space to work for gun violence prevention. It’s usually a short commentary and then a list of depressingly similar stories of one day’s gun violence in the USA. Here is one of the latest: The Gun Report.

Second, David Waldman has a slightly different tone than the Nocera blog, but his GUN FAIL posts follow a similar format. A commentary and then a list of negligent or accidental shootings. Check out the GUN FAIL blog at Daily Kos.

There have also been some developments regarding laws. The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case for people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, agreeing to review a ruling the Obama administration says would nullify the prohibition in much of the country. Vigilance, folks!

In addition, Josh Sugarman, the executive director for the Violence Prevention Center, has written a post refuting the gun lobby argument that guns as the default answer for a woman’s protection. For someone in the throes of a domestic violence situation, it’s rarely the answer.

A Texas mom has written a post about living more safely with guns and children under the same roof. I found it honest, real, and balanced. There are several insightful and thoughtful comments as well. Read Kirsten Oliphant’s Gun Safety and Children.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month — read about how you can help raise awareness by contacting your legislators with a homemade craft. And if you or someone you know could use some assistance, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For more resources, visit the National Network to End Domestic Violence.

You are worth more than pain and fear.

About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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4 Responses to Raising Voices: Mid-October Gun Sense

  1. This is so practical. I love how you turn what can be a very charged topic and turn it into something people can DO about that topic. So many just argue (however persuasively). I found this to be uplifting and hopeful.

    • Thank you! I have two goals: 1) Provide direct and clear information. (Although the GunFail blog sometimes takes an irreverent tone.) 2) Encourage interested people to take easy and quick action. Mainly because it was a shock to me how quick and easy it was. 🙂

  2. Marcy says:

    Thanks for the links. This issue is so disheartening. I find it hard to believe that we can’t agree on some common sense safety measures. Each new shooting seems to surprise people less and less until they are just becoming mundane news stories.

    • The recent mass shooting that left four people dead in Texas barely caused a blip. Our calluses are causing the blinds to fall. That’s why I appreciate the easy tools to write and call my elected officials. 🙂

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