Holiday Challenge: Generational Exchange

found at Free Range Learning’s FB page

With each year, I find the lines between what I think is old and what I used to think of as old get more and more blurry. I’m more than double the age I was when I graduated from college, and every time I let myself calculate the math on that factoid it turns another brown hair white.

But one thing I know for sure is that chatting with people a generation or two younger (and now there is more than one generation younger!) or a generation or two older than I am always reminds me that there are many different perspectives out there.  I don’t have to agree with them, but it’s important to at least know they are out there.  And to hear the conviction and passion behind some of these perspectives.

For some reason, the Turkey-centered holiday is the one that gets all the “family drama” attention. So, I challenge everyone this Thanksgiving weekend to have a real conversation – not a coddling or humoring exchange – with someone of a different generation. Learn from someone, and also teach someone – and enjoy it.

About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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9 Responses to Holiday Challenge: Generational Exchange

  1. anna says:

    I like it. Also saw those tees (maybe on HONY?) and thought to myself… yes, that.

  2. Love the photo and great idea!

  3. Rachel J. says:

    This is a PERFECT Thanksgiving post for me! I’ve been struggling with the older generation lately, feeling like I can’t appreciate them because they can’t handle what my children bring to our interactions. I want to, I want to!

  4. Yes, beautiful photo. And all so true. I know oodles of children and learn lots from them; I have to go to more trouble to seek out elders but it’s so worth it.

    • Definitely. I find is sad to think that iDevices and the like will keep stories like “I walked three miles uphill to school” from being passed down. So important to hear – even when they are half-joking.

  5. Pingback: Great Expectations: Kristin Wald | GFunkified

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