May Day Celebration in Montclair

Lots of elementary school kids in Watchung Plaza were grateful for the lack of rain today,  and their parents, pointing cameras in various directions, agreed.    I was happy about it too since my two toddlers didn’t have umbrellas or rain jackets with them.  Despite losing our temporarily front row seats to parents of performers, we had  a great time listening to Old English (which I think may have been Middle English) songs, watching a May Pole Ribbon Dance, and listening to a chorus of children sing The Beatles.  Yellow Submarine was particularly popular with my dancing cherubs. 

We were disappointed not to be treated to a drumming song, especially because we were right behind the Watchung drummers.  They did, however, make quite an entrance and exit.  And I have to say, the May Pole dancers were far more enthusiastic than I expected.  They did a great job, and the pole was strung up with two different patterns.  I took a few seconds of video of the dance, but I don’t want to embarrass any of the kids.

The band that played sounded really solid. That also got a wiggle dance out of the two-year-old.  My son was disappointed, however, that the electric guitar didn’t get a solo.  Once he saw it, that’s all he focused on.

The celebration was well-organized, and the children were incredibly patient and well-behaved.  Congratulations to the organizers, teachers (especially the music teachers), parents and volunteers who helped make this event a success.

Besides our post-May Day celebration visit to Watchung Booksellers, another highlight for my kids was meeting Mayor Fried and Councilwoman Baskerville.  To my son, a mayor is a demigod.  I’m surprised he managed to shake hands with both of our public servants.  All in all, a well-rounded welcome to May.  Let the events and fun (and shopping) begin!

About That Unique* Weblog

Adjusting to car culture, dealing with leaving a career I loved, and spouting off along the way. Do The Most Good.
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